Organised Events, Concerenves & Workshops
2012 | |
DS-ALT : The 23rd International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory and 15thInternational Conference on Discovery Science Lyon, France |
2011 | |
GT-FDC : Groupe de travail EGC, Fouille de Données Complexes Lyon, France |
2010 | |
TopLearn : Topological learning - Sepcial session @ Computational Statistics - COMPSTAT Conference Paris, France |
2009 | |
TopLearn : International Workshop on Topological Learning @ ISMIS Conference Prague, Czech Repub |
TopLearn : Atelier apprentissage topologique @ EGC Strasbourg, France |
2008 | |
MCD : International Workshop on Mining Complex Data @ ICDM Conference Pise, Italy |
2007 | |
MCD : International Workshop on Mining Complex Data @ PKDD-ECML Warsow, Poland |
2006 | |
MCD : International Workshop on Mining Complex Data @ IEEE ICDM, Hong Kong, China |
RIAS : Journeees inter-associations sur la classification Lyon, France |
2005 | |
MCD : International Workshop on Mining Complex Data Housto, USA |
2003 | |
SFdS : Congres annuel de la Socete Francaise de Statistique : Lyon, France |
2002 | |
ISMIS : Symposium on Methodology for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS)Lyon Lyon, France |
EGC : Conference Internationale Francophone Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances Montpellier, France |
2000 | |
PKDD : International Conference PKDD Lyon, Lyon, France |
1997 | |
SFC : Rencontres Societe Francaise de classification Lyon, France |